Lot Hypotheken
Lot Hypotheken Logo

In February 2020, NIBC Bank launched a new mortgage label, Lot Hypotheken. This is the bank's second label, having previously introduced NIBC Direct. Lot mortgages are available through De Hypotheker and a selected number of other intermediaries. 

Who is Lot?

Lot Hypotheken is a Dutch mortgage lender. Lot provides mortgages that make you happy: sustainable, with good conditions and without complicated hassle. The sustainable aspect is reflected in digital communication and a free energy savings report. With the special Lot sustainability mortgage, you can borrow extra for energy-saving measures at a lower interest rate. 

Lot's interest rates are attractive. At the label's launch, Lot was the first to offer a 10-year interest rate below 1%, at 0.99%.  

Current Lot Mortgages interest rates

Below are the current interest rates of Lot Mortgages and you can immediately calculate what your monthly costs would be at these rates. Are you curious what the interest rates are for other fixed-interest periods or mortgage types? Take a look at our mortgage interest rates page.

To all mortgage providers

Annuity with NHG

10-year fixed rate

4.07 %
Calculate your monthly costs

Annuity without NHG

10-year fixed rate

4.17 %
Calculate your monthly costs