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If you have lived in the Netherlands for a while, ABN AMRO will not be an unfamiliar name to you. This publicly listed banking group with more than 6 million customers has been around since 1991, when Algemene Bank Nederland (ABN) and Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank (AMRO) merged.

ABN AMRO Mortgage

ABN AMRO focuses mainly on the Dutch market: retail, private banking and corporate banking. ABN AMRO also provides mortgages. At ABN AMRO, you can adjust your mortgage yourself online via Internet Banking. This way, you can easily adjust your mortgage interest rate or mortgage type, or make extra repayments on your mortgage.

Current ABN AMRO interest rates

Below you will find ABN AMRO's current interest rates and you can immediately calculate what your monthly costs would be at these rates. Are you curious what the interest rates are for other fixed-interest periods or mortgage types? Take a look at our mortgage interest rates page.

To all mortgage providers

Annuity with NHG

10-year fixed rate

3.81 %
Calculate your monthly costs

Annuity without NHG

10-year fixed rate

4.11 %
Calculate your monthly costs