
Inkomensbepaling Loondienst

Would you like to apply for a mortgage without an employer’s statement? It is possible at De Hypotheker using Inkomensbepaling Loondienst (IBL).

Inkomensbepaling Loondienst

What is Inkomensbepaling Loondienst?

Inkomensbepaling Loondienst (IBL) is a method that allows home buyers to use the UWV Insurance Statement when applying for a mortgage instead of the employer’s statement. This method was previously called the Convenient Income Determination.

How does Inkomensbepaling Loondienst work?

Inkomensbepaling Loondienst starts with obtaining the UWV Insurance Statement. This is a digital document containing salary and employment history. It can be downloaded via My UWV. By applying carefully developed policy and calculation rules, you can determine the maximum income that can be used for calculating the assessment income: Inkomensbepaling Loondienst (IBL).

An employer’s statement is no longer needed. More and more lenders, NHG, and providers of advisory software are embracing Inkomensbepaling Loondienst. This is beneficial for the convenience and speed of the mortgage application process.

Figures show that a traditional employer’s statement needs to be submitted an average of 2.4 times. Incorrectly filling in the document or leaving it incomplete often results in the statement not being approved by the lender on the first attempt. By using a digital document that no longer requires employer intervention, this issue is resolved.

UWV Insurance Statement mortgage calculation

The UWV Insurance Statement is required to calculate the maximum mortgage. Once you have downloaded this UWV income information via My UWV, you can upload it to the dedicated Inkomensbepaling Loondienst page. There, you can easily calculate the IBL assessment income.

The advantages of Inkomensbepaling Loondienst

  • You are no longer dependent on your employer for providing salary data, as an employer’s statement is no longer needed.
    Your income details are available instantly with just a few clicks.
  • It is reliable.
    The data source is highly reliable, and the fully electronic process minimises errors.
  • You quickly gain certainty.
    Your advisor will inform you promptly about your assessment income and how much you can borrow.
  • Shorter processing time.
    Your mortgage application is completed faster since you do not have to wait for the completed employer’s statement. Additionally, the process is easier to carry out.a

Which banks work with the UWV Insurance Statement?

Various parties are involved in Inkomensbepaling Loondienst. On the website of Hypotheken Data Netwerk (HDN), you can find an up-to-date overview of all parties that work with UWV income information.

Schedule an appointment
To be eligible for Inkomensbepaling Loondienst and buy a house without an employer’s statement, it is important that you are currently in salaried employment. If you would like to use this option, schedule an appointment at one of our branches. The first consultation is on us.

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