Maximum mortgage calculator

With our mortgage calculator, you can easily calculate your Dutch mortgage online. This way, you immediately know the budget within which you can look at houses. Useful if you are looking for a house to buy, or if you are just curious: how much mortgage can I get in the Netherlands?

Calculate your mortgage in the Netherlands

Gross yearly income
Are you buying a house with your partner?
Calculate annual or business income
Hypotheker9443 1
  • The largest comparison

    Our online mortgage calculator compares more than 40 providers, including your own bank.

  • 1 million customers

    Our experienced mortgage advisors have helped over 1 million people to buy a house.

  • Over 35 years of experience

    De Hypotheker is the oldest and largest independent mortgage broker in the Netherlands.

Want to know more?

Have you found your dream house and do you want to know what is next? Check out these pages.

Calculate your monthly mortgage repayment

When you find the house you would like to purchase, you want to know what your monthly payment will be. With our calculator you can easily calculate your monthly mortgage costs based on the preferred or required mortgage.


*Unfortunately our calculator is only available in Dutch at the moment. We are working hard to provide a translated version here soon. 

Calculate monthly mortgage repayment

How to buy a house in the Netherlands

Whether you are a first time buyer or looking for your next home, it is always good to be informed. Check out our tips and read all about the mortgage and purchase procedure.

Read more
07 Persoon Die Naar Toekomst Kijkt@4X

Want to do more than just calculate your maximum mortgage?

First, you probably wanted to know: how much mortgage can I get? Now that you know what your maximum mortgage is, you might want to know more. Below you will find additional information to help you prepare properly for taking out a mortgage.

What is the current mortgage rate?


We give you the most up-to-date interest rate overview from over 40 mortgage providers.

How much can I borrow? Mortgage rules 2025


In 2025, you can borrow a maximum of 100 per cent of the house value. This means that you have to pay the additional costs, the buyer's costs, from your own money. If you go for a mortgage with National Mortgage Guarantee, you can do so in 2025 up to a home value of €450,000.

An annuity or linear mortgage?


With our calculation tool, you can calculate both an annuity mortgage and a linear mortgage. We are happy to explain the difference between these mortgage types.

Frequently asked questions about our online mortgage calculator NL

A maximum mortgage calculation involves a lot. Our clients often ask us these questions.

How does the maximum mortgage calculator work?


With our maximum mortgage calculator, you can calculate your mortgage payment. The mortgage calculator uses data you enter (such as your income and any outstanding loans or debts) and the current interest rates to calculate the maximum amount you can lend for a mortgage. The calculation is an indication, so you know within which price range you can look for houses. We advise you to also make a (non-committal) appointment with one of our mortgage advisers. The advisor will map out your entire (financial) situation and take the time to advise you properly on your maximum mortgage and other issues such as your house insurances.

How much down payment is required for a house in the Netherlands?


When you take out a mortgage, there are a number of costs involved. Since 1 January 2018, you can no longer co-finance these costs in your mortgage. You therefore need your own money when you go to buy a house. You have to think of an amount of about four to six percent of the purchase price.

I am self-employed. How can I calculate my maximum mortgage?


In our calculator, we have taken self-employed people into account. Next to the input field for the gross annual salary, you will see a calculator icon. If you click on it and then select "I am self-employed", the module for self-employed persons will appear. Here you can enter your annual figures so that we can calculate your maximum mortgage.