De Hypotheker

Mortgage broker Rotterdam Zuidplein

At De Hypotheker Rotterdam Zuidplein, you can turn to Robert Dijk and his team for expert mortgage advice and other financial matters such as home insurance. Our independent mortgage advisors will map out your current financial situation and list all your options. Together, we will arrive at the best mortgage for you. Personal contact and establishing a direct connection with our customers is very important to us. We anticipate your personal wishes and help you with the biggest purchase of your life: your home! You can find De Hypotheker Rotterdam Zuidplein on Zuidplein 412.


We hope to welcome you soon for a non-binding first meeting! Use the appointment form to directly make an appointment with one of our mortgage advisors.


We compare 40 mortgage providers

Your Hypotheker
Arranged with your Hypotheker
Robert Dijk
Robert Dijk Hypotheekadviseur Rotterdam Zuidplein
Contact information
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Opening hours
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Monday 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday Closed
Appointments after office hours
On weekday evenings, appointments are possible in consultation with the adviser.
Appointments after office hours
On weekday evenings, appointments are possible in consultation with the adviser.
On this page

What can De Hypotheker Rotterdam Zuidplein's mortgage advisor do for you?

What kind of mortgage best suits your personal housing situation? Is it wise to transfer your mortgage? Can you repay penalty-free? You can ask these and all other questions about your mortgage to the mortgage advisor at De Hypotheker Rotterdam Zuidplein.


The mortgage broker gives independent mortgage advice to find the most cost-effective mortgage for you. This makes our advice different from mortgage advice from your bank. This is because we not only look at your bank's offer but also that of all other Dutch banks and even more mortgage lenders.

This is what you can expect from our mortgage advice:

The first meeting is always free of charge;
Truly independent advice: our advisors compare more than 40 providers;
Make sure you have the best mortgage for your personal situation, now and in the future;
Your appointment can take place by phone, digitally or at our branch;
Complete settlement, from quotation to mortgage closing.

Meet our team

Our mortgage advisors know all the ins and outs of mortgages. Thanks to years of experience, they know better than anyone else what is going on in the market. Do you have questions or do you need advice? Make an appointment via the appointment form.

Mortgage advisors at De Hypotheker Zuidplein

Our reviews

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Based on 297 reviews
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S.R. Ponit
1 March 2025
  • 04 - Icons / Star
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During the process, Mr. Van der Wal and Mrs. Dubbeldam assisted us in an extremely friendly and professional manner. We have experienced their thinking as particularly pleasant. In addition, uploading documents via the portal was very easy and clear. Despite the distance, we successfully met online several times (via MS Teams), which turned out to be no problem at all. We are very satisfied with De Hypotheken Rotterdam Zuidplein and recommend them wholeheartedly!

Review translated by Microsoft

Tijdens het proces hebben de heer Van der Wal en mevrouw Dubbeldam ons uiterst vriendelijk en professioneel bijgestaan. We hebben hun meedenkendheid als bijzonder plezierig ervaren. Bovendien verliep het uploaden van documenten via het portaal zeer gemakkelijk en overzichtelijk. Ondanks de afstand hebben we meerdere keren succesvol online vergaderd (via MS Teams), wat ook geen enkel probleem bleek te zijn. We zijn zeer tevreden over De Hypotheken Rotterdam Zuidplein en bevelen hen van harte aan!

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C en D
10 February 2025
  • 04 - Icons / Star
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Very well advised by Vincent and he was also always willing to go an extra mile or to answer our questions. With Vincent and the others from the office, we have always felt that they were there for us 100%. Very nice cooperation.

Review translated by Microsoft

Zeer goed geadviseerd door Vincent en hij was ook altijd bereid om een extra mile te gaan of om onze vragen te beantwoorden. Met Vincent en de anderen van het kantoor hebben we altijd het gevoel gehad dat ze er 100% voor ons waren. Hele fijne samenwerking.

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10 January 2025
  • 04 - Icons / Star
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  • 04 - Icons / Star

Chiel was the umpteenth mortgage advisor I spoke to. After dissatisfaction with my previous advisor, I went to Chiel for a second opinion. From the beginning I have been very clear about what I wanted, what I was promised and about the honesty I expected around what would and would not be feasible. Chiel has understood me well, has always been clear and has achieved much more than others had promised me. Although Chiel did not promise this at first, he was always honest about the route we would take. I have been in contact with him several times for questions. He was always easily accessible, very friendly, as was his team.

Review translated by Microsoft

Chiel was de zoveelste hypotheekadviseur die ik sprak. Na onvrede met mijn vorige adviseur ben ik bij Chiel terechtgekomen voor een second opinion. Vanaf het begin ben ik heel duidelijk geweest over wat ik wilde, wat mij was beloofd en over de eerlijkheid die ik verwachtte rondom wat wel en niet haalbaar zou zijn. Chiel heeft mij goed begrepen, is altijd duidelijk geweest en heeft veel meer bereikt dan anderen mij hadden beloofd. Hoewel Chiel dit in eerste instantie niet heeft toegezegd, was hij altijd eerlijk over de route die we zouden bewandelen. Ik heb meerdere keren contact met hem gehad voor vragen. Hij was altijd goed bereikbaar, zeer vriendelijk, net als zijn team.

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7 January 2025
  • 04 - Icons / Star
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Took enough time to answer all questions. Clear and straightforward communication. All our questions were answered during the conversation, which is very nice within this exciting but fun process of buying a home!

Review translated by Microsoft

Nam genoeg tijd om antwoord te geven op alle vragen. Heldere en duidelijke communicatie. Al onze vragen zijn gedurende het gesprek weggenomen wat ontzettend fijn is binnen dit spannende maar leukw proces van een woning kopen!

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6 January 2025
  • 04 - Icons / Star
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Received and implemented good and fine advice. The other employees were very helpful and supported us in every way.

Review translated by Microsoft

Goed en fijn advies gekregen en uitgevoerd.De overige medewerkers waren zeer hulpzaam en hebben ons in alle opzichten ondersteund.

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Buying a house in the Netherlands

You are looking for a house in the Netherlands. But where do you start when you want to buy a house? De Hypotheker explains what is involved in buying a house in the Netherlands and gives you a step-by-step plan. With the tips on this checklist, you will know exactly what to expect when buying a home.

buying a house in the netherlands
expat mortgage de hypotheker

Are you an expat?

Are you currently (or planning to be) employed in the Netherlands and are you considering buying a house in the Netherlands? De Hypotheker can inform you about all the possibilities and guide you through the process of getting a mortgage. We can, amongst other important details, talk to you about:


  • The rules for buying a house in the Netherlands as an expat;
  • Current mortgage rates;
  • How much you can borrow according to your financial means.


Read more about expat mortgages at De Hypotheker.


Rent or buy


Based on the information you provide, our financial advisor will advice you on all the ins and outs on renting or buying. He/she will also show you the difference between the costs of a rental home and an owned home. All ad- and disadvantages of renting and buying will also be dealt with.


Make a checklist


We advise you to make a list of your living wishes, income and expenses, so we can help you make the best decision for your personal situation. If you wish to book an appointment, click on the link below, fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. The first appointment is on us!


Book appointment

What are our prices?

It is important to us that you know what you are paying us for our services. The first appointment at the branch is non-binding and free of charge. If you then decide to arrange your mortgage through De Hypotheker, the guide prices below apply. The prices are based on one applicant.
Buying your first house
€ 2,795
Buying your next house
€ 3,395
Buying a house as an entrepreneur
€ 3,295
€ 3,795
€ 2,995
€ 2,995
Utilize surplus value
€ 2,995
Refinance mortgage
€ 3,295

Make an appointment at De Hypotheker Rotterdam Zuidplein

The appointment can be by phone, via an online consultation or at the branch.

The first meeting is always free of charge
Truly independent advice: we compare more than 40 providers
Insight into your financial options and monthly costs
We will contact you on this number.
If we are unable to reach you by telephone we will send you an email.
Make an appointment